What do the fresco The Last Supper by Pietro Lorenzetti, Gaston Phebus’ The Hunting Book, and the books of hours Maastricht Hours and The Very Rich Hours of the Duke of Berry have in common? Beyond the fact that all four works were produced between the 14th and 15th centuries and are filled with colorful miniatures, they all contain drawings of cats and dogs.
In fact, this representation of pets is quite common in medieval art. It’s not unusual to see them depicted with their owners, both outdoors and in domestic settings. You can’t help but wonder: Did their owners name them, just as we do today? If so, what names did people choose for their dogs and cats in the Middle Ages? Were their names as popular as Toby and Garfield are today?
Man’s best friend. Humans have always enjoyed the companionship of animals, especially dogs and cats. Some researchers suggest that humans began domesticating dogs as far back as 15,000 to 30,000 years ago. Meanwhile, evidence shows that feline presence was confirmed in Northern China about 5,400 years ago.
In the Northern Iberian Peninsula, Neolithic populations fed their dogs a diet similar to that of their owners and even buried them. Additionally, the Romans appreciated the company of their pets. For instance, among the remains found in Pompeii was the body of a dog wearing a collar, which is now on display at the Archaeological Museum of Naples in Italy.

Domesticated or companion animals? One question arises: Were these animals considered pets in the way we understand the term today? Some researchers argue that the idea of pets didn’t fully develop until much later, specifically during the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
“The development of the modern day concept of the household pet began to emerge between the 14th and 16th centuries. By the 16th century, recorded bonds between animal and master became increasingly common alongside breeding for human companionship,” Linsey Blair, a researcher at the University of Iowa, points out. “Dogs–and later cats–were the earliest animals to be allowed occupancy inside the medieval house solely to serve utilitarian needs,” she adds.
What names did they use for their pets? Many centuries have passed, but writings from notable authors like Geoffrey Chaucer and specific treatises such as The Master of Game by the Duke of York offer some clues. The Master of Game includes a list of names that were considered suitable for hunting dogs. Additionally, animals belonging to prominent medieval figures, such as English Queen Anne Boleyn and philosopher Leon Battista Alberti, have made a mark in history.

Sturdy, Whitefoot, and Little Hammer. In the Middle Ages, creativity and humor influenced the naming of pets. According to Medievalists.net, some popular dog names from that time included Sturdy, Whitefoot, Hardy, Jakke, Terri, Bo, Troy, Nosewise, Amiable, Nameles, Clenche, Bragge, Ringwood, and Holffast.
Additionally, some dogs were named after their owners’ occupations. For example, a blacksmith’s pet was called Hemmerli (“Little Hammer”), while a wheelwright’s mascot was named Little Spoke, referencing the spokes of a wagon. In Switzerland, pets were sometimes named Fortuna, Venus, and Turgk.
Among cats, Gilbert was a favored name, commonly used for domestic cats. In France, names like Tibers and Tibert were preferred.
However, not everyone chose popular names. Boleyn named her dog Purkoy, an adaptation of the French term pour quoi (“why”). French knight Jehan de Seure chose the more noble name Parceval for his dog, while Italian architect Battista Alberti opted for Megastomo (“Big Mouth”). In addition, Italian lady Isabella d’Este named her two pets Aura and Mamia.

Good and practical companions. During the Middle Ages, domestic dogs and cats were often viewed through a practical lens. While they were undeniably cute and affectionate, they were primarily valued for their utility. As such, some authors argue that keeping domestic animals as pets during this time was relatively rare.
“Most dogs had a job,” art history lecturer Emily Savage concludes in a The Conversation post. They protected homes, assisted in hunting, and helped with herding. Cats were particularly effective at catching mice and other vermin. However, the roles of dogs extended beyond mere guardianship.
Kitchen porters and merchants. Recent research on animal remains found in medieval sites revealed a diverse range of dog breeds between the 9th and 15th centuries. The study showed evidence of deformities in some dog vertebrae, indicating that certain dogs were utilized as “mules” to carry goods through narrow streets inaccessible to horses.
Additionally, experts believe that some dogs worked in kitchens, running on a wheel that turned gears to roast meat over fire. A specific breed known for this role was the turnspit, an English dog breed mentioned as early as the 16th century in William Bingley’s Memoirs of British Quadrupeds. However, it was considered extinct by the 19th century.

A matter of prestige. Pets served an important purpose beyond companionship. They reaffirmed their owner’s social status. Owning a well-bred and well-cared-for dog signified that you could afford it.
“Pets became part of the personal identity of the nobility. Keeping an animal that was lavished with attention, affection and high-quality food in return for no functional purpose–other than companionship–signified high status,” medievalist Madeleine Killacky points out. Some individuals even brought their dogs to church during celebrations, much to the annoyance of church authorities.
Pets in portraits. According to Killacky, it was common for wealthy families in the Middle Ages to commission portraits featuring their pets, especially dogs and cats, as a status symbol. Just like posing with jewelry and expensive clothing, these pets highlighted the family’s affluence. A well-known example is The Arnolfini Portrait, painted by Flemish painter Jan van Eyck in 1434. It depicts merchant Giovanni Arnolfini and his wife, with a dog included, symbolizing fidelity and love.
The devotion to pets sometimes extended even further. Isabeau of Bavaria, Queen of France in the 14th century, spent considerable sums on ornaments for her pets. In 1387, she commissioned a necklace adorned with pearls and a gold buckle for her squirrel. Some years later, she purchased a bright green cloth for her cat.
Meanwhile, Gaston III, Count of Foix, said in his hunting book titled Livre de Chasse that greyhounds should enjoy certain comforts. These included kennels made of wood, elevated from the ground to ensure they remained cool in summer and warm in winter.

A display of vanity? Perhaps due to its association with wealth and power, writings from the late Middle Ages often criticize pets, deeming them frivolous and a waste of food. Despite this negative perception and the bad reputation of cats (linked to paganism), these small furry creatures still found their way into the homes and communities of religious workers. “Although the church formally disapproved of pets, clerics themselves often owned dogs. Like women, clerics’ dogs were generally lapdogs, ideally suited to their indoor pursuits,” Savage explains.
Moreover, Killacky points out the numerous medieval manuscripts featuring illuminations of nuns accompanied by cats in cloisters or kittens adorning the margins of books of hours. “Cats are found in abundance as a status symbol in medieval religious spaces,” she says.
Beyond dogs and cats. Like today, domestic animals in the Middle Ages weren’t limited to these two species. Poems, travel books, veterinary treatises, tariffs, and tax documents indicate the presence of many other domestic animals during this time, such as birds and rabbits. Others even kept more exotic species, including squirrels, badgers, civets, weasels, mongooses, and monkeys from India, North Africa, and sub-Saharan regions. Following the voyages of Christopher Columbus, new species like American parrots and guinea pigs were introduced.
Within each species, there was also a variety of types. For instance, dog classifications included lapdogs, running hounds, and scent hounds. In the 16th century, physician John Caius outlined a classification system in his treatise Of Englishe Dogges. He used an unusual criterion based on the “office” of each dog rather than the breed. This classification included hunting dogs, and “gentle” lapdogs meant for the upper class. At the bottom were what he called the “mungrell and rascal sort,” considered incapable of embodying the true qualities of a “perfect and gentle kind.”
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