The Matrix Influence: How a Sci-Fi Classic Continues to Remain Relevant

The Matrix Influence: How a Sci-Fi Classic Continues to Remain Relevant

The first film was released in 1999, but it remains impactful today. We break down the aspects that have helped it stay relevant.

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John Tones


Almost 26 years ago, on March 31, 1999, The Matrix was theatrically released in the U.S. The film marked the Wachowski sisters’ rise to fame and presented a rich tapestry of seemingly disparate elements that came together cohesively. It was as if the only way to comprehend futuristic anime, kung fu cinema, John Woo’s filmography, video games, and the work of sociologist Jean Baudrillard was to filter it all through the directors’ postmodern lens.

Despite its eclectic mix, several factors contributed to The Matrix’s overwhelming success and lasting aesthetic and thematic reference both within and outside its genre. This influence has persisted and continues to resonate today. The reasons behind this achievement extend beyond just a few aesthetic hits, including the iconic bullet time sequence and trench coats.

How did The Matrix achieve its enduring impact?

Narrative Detail

If you examine the storyboards of The Matrix, you’ll discover a remarkable piece of graphic craftsmanship. Artist Steve Skroce and visual designer Geoff Darrow meticulously illustrated the script in detail. Having spent much of their careers in the comic book industry, they drew on their extensive experience in graphic narrative.

This level of detail in the storyboards is atypical. They typically serve merely as reference sketches for shots rather than as independent narratives that can stand alone without the script. The Wakowskis needed this meticulous approach because The Matrix featured elements that had never been filmed before. Aspects such as special effects and the characters’ physical interactions with their environment were often vaguely described in the script and hadn’t been depicted previously in Hollywood.

This kind of meticulousness was unprecedented, even among high-budget films. Many sci-fi releases in 1999 embraced a B-movie spirit, consciously or not. Examples include Payback, The 13th Warrior, End of Days, and The Mummy. Other movies, such as The World Is Not Enough and Wild Wild West, showed signs of fatigue with the blockbuster formula of the time. The only films comparable to The Matrix in terms of their groundbreaking nature were Fight Club and Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace.

As a result, time has been kinder to The Matrix compared to other films from its period. It doesn’t adhere to the trends that defined how action scenes and effects were conceived at the time. In contrast, even a film like Episode I, which has experienced its ups and downs of acceptance and critique, reflects the era in which it was made. It does so through its pod racing, sword duels, and digital effects—elements that unmistakably scream “1999.” However, the fight sequences in The Matrix could easily belong in a film released today.

Paradoxical Technophobia

A fear of machines and artificial life has been a common theme in science fiction. Since the inception of the genre, science and progress have often been accompanied by cautionary tales. While Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein may not fit neatly into the modern definition of science fiction, H.G. Wells certainly used scientific advancements as themes for mass destruction in The War of the Worlds. He also used them as warnings against exploring forbidden knowledge in The Time Machine and as paths to madness in The Invisible Man.

The combination of the scientist and the gothic antihero gave rise to the archetype of the so-called “mad scientist,” exemplified in James Whale’s Frankenstein, among other films. The 1950s did little to improve this perspective. A militaristic and change-resistant America viewed scientists’ thirst for knowledge with suspicion, evident in films like The Thing from Another World. However, throughout the rest of the 20th century, portrayals of science and progress diversified, with films like 2001: A Space Odyssey focusing less on conflict and more on a humanistic vision of science.

The Matrix inherits this cautious yet optimistic view of technology. Released in 1999, the film celebrates the potential of artificial intelligence while simultaneously conveying a warning message. At that time, the Internet hadn’t yet transformed into the omnipresent phenomenon it is today. Those were the days before the Internet became mainstream, social media platforms dominated our lives, and privacy concerns became widespread. However, there were already indications of future issues. The concerns presented in 1995’s Hackers seemed outdated by then, yet discussions about the terror associated with technology were very much in the spotlight.

Despite its almost apocalyptic tone, The Matrix reveals profound devotion to computer code. The portrayal of hackers is almost heroic, and there are numerous references to programming. The film also nods to technified science fiction, such as cyberpunk and other pop culture elements that resonate with a generation of technophiles (like anime and kung fu). The narrative is clear. While engaging with technology and coding, the Wachowskis don’t lose sight of humanity. This is why Cypher Reagan, the human villain, is perceived as more repulsive than Agent Smith. Smith isn’t inherently evil. He was simply programmed that way.

Importantly, The Matrix anticipates a prevailing theme in modern science fiction: the dual fear and understanding of machines. Films like Wall-E and Ex Machina wouldn’t exist without The Matrix. The Wachowskis explored the terror of being dominated by machines while also acknowledging the empowerment they offer. In the end, technology enables people to learn kung fu and access arsenals of weapons, right?

Action With a Message

The best action films are those where the plot and character development extend beyond mere explosive sequences. This has always been a challenge with Western genre films, which tend to treat plot and action sequences as separate entities. At best, they view one as merely justifying the other. This approach often resembles a formula more akin to porn than to an organic whole. In contrast, Eastern cinema has long since addressed this issue.

Since the days of classic martial arts films, filmmakers have used action to convey meaning beyond dialogue alone, albeit with structures that may now seem outdated or rigid. In these action sequences, each character’s traits, dilemmas, and relationships among friends and enemies were often expressed through precise physicality and intricate choreography.

This technique is evident in The Matrix, which showcases it in a way that hadn’t been seen before in Western cinema. Hollywood had previously learned from the great successes of Eastern cinema and absorbed its themes and aesthetics. However, it failed to embrace its narrative language. The careers of Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Jet Li in the U.S. exemplify this.

In The Matrix, every action sequence carries meaning and provides insights about the plot and characters, moving beyond just offering spectacular visual effects. Notable examples include the dojo fight between Neo and Morpheus and Neo’s ultimate display of superpowers. Additionally, sequences like the assault on the building where Morpheus is imprisoned and the subway fight impress visually and delve into the motivations of the heroes and villains. These scenes drive the plot forward, and the action itself conveys the central message.

The Bad Guy Aesthetic

If you’re young, you might not remember this, but The Matrix aesthetic dominated popular culture for years and decades. While it may be out of fashion now, ankle-length trench coats, metal-rimmed sunglasses with minimal lenses, and vinyl pants were once a common sight even outside of dark techno clubs. Though this trend seems to have faded, you shouldn’t rule out a comeback.

Underlying this aesthetic is a deeper message and meaning akin to those in the action sequences. This has allowed the style to transcend mere trends and age relatively well. For instance, the protagonists’ sunglasses serve as a “firewall.” In computing, firewalls are security features that prevent unauthorized access to programs within the system, which Morpheus and his allies represent in the film. In The Matrix, when characters remove their sunglasses during critical moments, they’re “deactivating” their defenses, allowing the program to assess honesty and trust.

The trench coat aesthetic is more controversial but has often been likened to a superhero’s cape. This is particularly evident in the film’s final scene, which remains a topic of debate among fans of the original installment. In The Matrix’s ending, where Neo is seen flying, the trench coat clearly functions much like Superman’s cape. Throughout the film, the aesthetics of synthetic leather and stringent black clothing align with the film’s soundtrack, which features industrial metal, cyber-techno, and heavy alternative rock.

The Advent of Hacker Culture


Keanu Reeves has never been the typical action hero, regardless of his recent resurgence in popularity or his previous roles in action movies such as Speed and Point Break. In The Matrix, he stars as Neo, a more sensitive character who strikes a balance between the cerebral and the spiritual. His portrayal helped shape a new kind of action hero–one who embraced martial arts after immersing himself in every available kung fu style while also being skilled in hacking.

The Wachowskis’ respect for computer culture is evident in the accurate depiction of coding. In fact, the code used in the movie is real, and actual programmers advised it. This attention to detail is palpable in the development of Neo and his crew. The directors envisioned a “super-hacker” that stood in stark contrast to films like Hackers, which had been released just four years before. They managed to present complex computer concepts in a way that didn’t alienate the general public. Internet use was still not widespread at the time. Instead, the Wachowskis created an engaging digital and virtual environment that appealed to both fans of video games and online worlds and newcomers who saw all of this just as merely science fiction.

Other sci-fi films have taken a simplistic or naive approach to computers and the virtual world, such as Hackers, 1983’s War Games, and the poorly received The Lawnmower Man. In contrast, The Matrix has aged remarkably well. In fact, its themes still resonate today. Applying elements of Joseph Campbell’s idea of a “hero’s journey” to an electronic landscape remains relevant and may even be more pertinent than ever.

A New Vision of Feminism in Action Movies

Although The Matrix seems to have been released only a few years ago, Trinity’s impact clearly illustrates how female representation in action films has evolved. Before Carrie-Anne Moss portrayed Trinity, female action movie protagonists outside the superhero genre were scarce. Notable examples included Tank Girl, Nikita, Ripley, and a few figures from blaxploitation films, but little else.

Trinity significantly changed the landscape. She was followed by several women in leather, who were armed and exhibiting attitudes previously unseen in the genre. Films like Underworld, Resident Evil, and Aeon Flux showcased women who, while varying in depth and popularity, drew inspiration from Trinity’s character. Trinity gave rise to a new vision of women in action movies and remains a top model today.

However, some of these characters merely became stylish, high-heeled assassins and didn’t fully capture Trinity’s essence. Trinity wasn’t just better at shooting than Neo. She also demonstrated a more nuanced and sensible alternative to the typical brainless, masculine action hero. Far from merely being a sidekick, she served as a guide. She was someone who observed, analyzed, and strategized in the heat of battle while leading the often clueless male hero along the right path.

Trinity’s presence had the potential to evolve further, and this was later demonstrated in The Matrix sequels. However, the pivotal shift had already been made, marking a point of no return in female representation in action films.

A Type of Symbolism That Endures

The symbolism in The Matrix not only remains relevant today but it’s also been reused and distorted by individuals who likely don’t appreciate the Wachowskis’ work. Perhaps the feeling is mutual.

The famous sequence featuring the red and blue pills symbolizes Neo’s choice to “awaken” to authentic reality. This symbolism was appropriated by self-styled “red pillers” in the mid-2010s. They included gamergaters, ultra-rightists, and various anti-feminists who reject “political correctness.” In doing so, they completely reversed the non-conformist message of The Matrix, or at the very least, updated its villains. Much of this phenomenon is explored in 2016’s documentary The Red Pill.

The Matrix has undeniably become a powerful source of memes, expressions, and everyday certainties. Not a day goes by without someone labeling a mistake or a bizarre situation a “glitch in the Matrix.” Iconic lines like “I know kung fu” or “Guns, lots of guns” have been referenced in numerous films. They’ve also entered popular culture and have been reformulated for everyday use.

The notion that we live in a reality that’s not entirely “real” has ancient roots in human thought. However, when people reference Plato’s allegory of the cave, it’s likely The Matrix, rather than classical philosophy, that sets the stage. This explains why so many conspiracy theorist YouTubers discuss the idea of genuine reality, focusing on how to “escape the Matrix.” They frequently draw upon imagery from the film, particularly its climax, when Neo learns to “see” the code of reality.

Whether or not the film’s original meaning has been perverted (which often indicates that it’s entered the realm of popular culture), the themes are so deeply ingrained that they resonate even today. The Matrix’s powerful symbolism still functions as effectively as it did on the day of its release. 25 years later, the film’s elements operate seamlessly together, making the label “visionary” an understatement.

Image | Warner Bros.

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