If you sometimes remember the lyrics to a song but not the title, follow these simple methods to identify it. Here are nine ways to discover the song’s title in your head. Nine services I divided into three categories.
The idea of this article isn’t to tell you all the methods available but the quickest ones, so you don’t waste time identifying a song. We all know that when something that seems simple becomes too complex, we often stop doing it, and I want you to find that song.
Use a Search Engine

The first method is probably the one most people use. It involves using a search engine to find the name of a song by its lyrics. In most cases, you can use Google, Bing, and a standard generic search engine and type in two or three sentences what the lyrics say.
If this search doesn’t work or the results aren’t precise, you can use websites to find song lyrics. Some of the most important sites are genius.com, azlyrics.com, and findmusicbylyrics.com. Type a snippet of lyrics into the search box, and the site will tell you the song.
Use Mobile Apps

Another method is to use mobile apps that allow you to search for lyrics. One of the most popular is Genius, which isn’t only one of the best websites for finding a song by its lyrics but also has a mobile app version.
You can also opt for other apps that serve the same purpose, such as Musixmatch. This is the community that Spotify, Apple Music, Instagram, and Vevo use to display a song’s lyrics in their apps. It’s also reliable for reverse searches.
Another one you can use is Shazam, which is available for iOS and Android. Although the app is famous for telling you what song is playing, it also has a search engine for song lyrics, where you can find the song to which they belong. However, its search engine is far inferior to other alternatives.
Use AI

The other method is to use ChatGPT, Copilot, and Gemini, artificial intelligence systems connected to the Internet that can look up lyrics and tell you which song they belong to. I use the prompt: “Tell me the name of this song: (type lyrics).”
However, nowadays, AI is very bad at finding lyrics. Unless the songs are very popular, it will likely give you no result or a wrong one.
Images | Vitaly Gariev (Unsplash) | Xataka En
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